Good afternoon,
It’s Jason from Benson Farms. You know, some days I think I know the feeling the eagle has when it dives smoothly into the water and snatches a fish for dinner. More often, though, I feel like I might relate better the fish.
We are a month into the new school year and hopefully Sandy and I are getting settled back into a “routine”. The kids are settling into their new routines, too. Jaxon was excited last weekend that I finally had to admit that the 13-year-old is officially taller than his daddy. The girls are both getting excited about Halloween costumes and trick-or-treating. Baby Brock turned 7 months old this week and he is growing like a weed and learning new skills almost daily. Momma is still praying for less spitting up and more sleep!
Benson Farms Update: Fall harvest fulfillment is going smooth. Several of you are scheduled to visit the farm this weekend to pick up orders and we are looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting new neighbors. We’ve overcome some shipping hurdles recently from delayed deliveries to dry ice shortages, but I think we have all of that figured out. (Of course I read yesterday that UPS workers are threatening to strike) And the weather is finally getting bearable, so we’ll be getting back to fencing new winter grazing pastures.
Appreciation: We are always grateful for all of you. Every week I’m surprised by how many of you reply with comments on our newsletter. It’s humbling that so many of you are interested in our family farm. When I first started writing these newsletters, I never dreamed that so many of you would read them each week. So, I just want to say “thank you” to all of you not only for supporting our small business, but for the support and encouragement that you send through emails and on our social media.
Welcome to the Benson Farms Family: As our subscribers continue to grow, I’m forced to learn more about the technology behind distributing our emails and newsletter to a much larger audience. Every small business must overcome growing pains in one way or another, and for me that has been through better understanding how all the different software is integrated to produce a seamless experience for you. At least that is how I imagine it should be.
To those of you who are just joining us, you’re getting a first-hand look into a farmer trying to master new skills. If you got some of our emails twice, please forgive me. We aren’t a big business trying to come across as a small mom and pop. We are it. There are no Marketing or IT departments, no Customer Support or HR. It’s just us figuring it out as we go. Nonetheless, we are happy to have all of you here. Welcome aboard!
In the news: Every time I turn around, there is someone looking to send small farmers like us the way of the Dodo bird. It seems like our livelihood is under constant assault from one special interest group or another. Do you ever wonder who benefits when a farm can no longer survive and is forced to sell? I know that for many of you, this is old news, but some of our newer readers might find it eye opening.
While Klaus Schwab is flying his private jet around the world trying to force change like the fertilizer bans that bankrupted Sri Lanka, and his World Economic Forum promotes more “climate-friendly” cows, Bill Gates (also a prominent member of WEF) has become the largest farmland owner in the United States. Is it coincidence that some of the wealthiest people in the world use their influence to bribe or pressure corrupt politicians and bureaucrats into enacting burdensome restrictions on farmers and then those same rich people (or the companies they control) buy up the land for a fraction of the worth?
Now they want to replace your beef all together with “meat” grown in laboratories. As y’all know, I am no fan of the big corporate meat producers. However, this sets off bells for me on a whole other level! I think I’ll stick to beef that comes from cows, but if this catches on there will be more land available for those rich folks to buy.
Spring Deposits are Open: Deposits are still open for our spring bulk beef harvest. For those of you who might not know, we only offer our beef twice a year in the spring and fall. We are taking deposits for next spring’s harvest until noon on October 31st. We only have 15 head remaining for spring, though, so don’t wait. If you want to fill your freezer next spring, you can see our products here and place a deposit now. If you’re new and would like more information about how our bulk beef works, reply to this email and I’m happy to answer any of your questions or provide more information.
Until next time,
Jason Benson
Benson Farms